Green IT for sustainability

The reduction of CO2 emissions offers enormous potential for the future viability of companies: in terms of regulation, costs and public image. Based on a dedicated and tried-and-tested process model, metafinanz ensures greater sustainability from development to architecture. Our green framework MMIGIT™ systematically makes your IT cleaner.

Das Bild zeigt eine beeindruckende Weltraumszene, in der die Erde teilweise im Schatten liegt. Der obere Rand der Erde ist von der Sonne beleuchtet, was einen atemberaubenden Lichteffekt erzeugt, der an einen Sonnenaufgang erinnert. Im Hintergrund ist der Weltraum mit zahlreichen Sternen und einer klar sichtbaren Milchstraße zu sehen. Die Szene vermittelt ein Gefühl von Weite und Erhabenheit und zeigt die Schönheit und das Mysterium des Universums.

CO2 reduction: compulsory and optional all in one

The time for more sustainability is now!

We can help you reduce the carbon footprint of your IT operations and achieve your sustainability goals.

By strategically improving energy efficiency, your company can also minimise its environmental impact. But that's not all: this is also an opportunity to utilise resources efficiently, save costs and at the same time meet current and future regulatory requirements. All of this has a lasting impact on the future viability of your company.

How metafinanz supports you

With our specially developed MMIGIT™ (Maturity Model Integrated Green IT), we determine the sustainability status of your IT operations, develop your green IT guidelines, advise you on the implementation of appropriate solutions and thus support you in reducing your carbon footprint.

What is MMIGIT™ and what is it good for?

MMIGIT™ is a model developed by metafinanz that is being further developed in collaboration with Munich University of Applied Sciences. It represents the maturity level of IT processes with regard to sustainability aspects. With MMIGIT™, our experts support companies in achieving, defining and realising sustainability goals.

The Maturity Model Integrated Green IT (MMIGIT) from metafinanz

Service catalogue

Green IT Maturity Assessment

Maturity Model Integrated for Green IT (MMIGIT)Assessment and Roadmap – your way to “Green in IT”

Übersicht über das MMIGIT Modell

MMIGIT is a holistic model for “Green in IT”


Changing your IT towards Green IT is a sustainability prgram, a cost saving program and makes your company more attractive for young specialists.

With Green IT, we make your organization stronger on the market in the long term.

MMIGITTM shows you where you are and where you have to go:

  • Making an assessment on your maturity of Green IT
  • Identifying low hanging fruits and implementing required changes
  • Changing your organization with the long term roadmap of MMIGITTM towards a strong, sustainable and attractive organization

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We look forward to working with you to make your company more sustainable.

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Sustainable Requirements

Sustainable Requirements enhance non-functional requirements with sustainability metrics and actions


Business owns solution

Business defines functional and non-functional requirements

Functional requirements are defining the business functionality of an IT application (Use cases, Data model, Interfaces).

Non-functional requirements are defining e.g.:

  • Load- & performance behavior
  • Stability/reliability 
  • User experience
  • And also sustainability!

IT is responsible for the implementation of the defined business requirements in time and in budget

Moving the sustainability responsibility to the business 
has the following advantages:

  • Business can define sustainable requirements as a subclass of the non-functional requirements
  • By the effort estimation of the IT, there is a cost transparency on sustainability features
  • The compliance with the requirements can be check by usual test processes

Business will be trained on

  • What are sustainability requirements
  • How to formulate them
  • And how their implementation can be tested and approved

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Power Consumption Measurement

Energy Consumption Measurement of all IT infrastructure used by individual IT applications



  • What are the most energy consuming IT applications?
  • What are the results of any kind of energy efficiency improvement activities?
  • How much costs can be saved by improvement activities?
  • How can you create awareness for the improvement activities?


  • Data allows you to focus on the right IT applications
  • Data facilitate calculations of return on investment
  • Budget can be smartly allocated to further activities
  • Precise internal and external reporting


  • Setting up the power consumption measurement for IT applications end to end 
    (frontend devices, server-based in the data center or in the cloud)
  • Establish business case driven measurements in the development or test environments
  • Establish overall energy consumption measurement of your IT applications in production, based on time frames

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ALGIT – Pilot project shows substantial improvements

Statistics from a pilot project


  • Medium-sized application on single executable
  • Scan showed wide range of findings
  • Savings have been measured, not only calculated
  • 33% saving on energy consumption is a great result
  • Only subset of findings has been applied 
    ➔ Further improvements possible
  • Only 111 findings out of the 233 have been reported to QECI
  • Unresolved topic by several reason: “Not applicable”, “too complex”, …

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Green Data Management

Sustainable Requirements enhance non-functional requirements with sustainability metrics and actions.


Data Life Cycle Management

The „Green Data Life Cycle“ allows to analyze

  • Planning & Design
  • Collecting & Processing
  • Storing & Maintaining
  • Distribution & Usage
  • Archiving & Deleting

Usage of the “Green Data Life Cycle” model helps IT projects to identify the several data life cycle stations under the aspect of sustainability.


Data Provision

How data is provided can be improved by

  • Differential Statistics
  • Temporarily Table Structure

Regular reports of big data applications are an energy- consuming driver. The usage of differential statistics brings in sustainability.


Data Storage

How data is persisted can be improved by analyzing

  • Differentiate between hot data vs. cold data
  • Usage of different storage systems for the scenarios
  • Usage of proved methods for linking hot data and cold data

Data storage systems have to be adapted to hot/cold data. This saves energy, reduces both CO2 emissions and costs.

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Blue Angel – Certification of green server software by the German Federal Environment Agency

Blue Angel is the official certification of the German environmental agency for green server-based software  


Qualities of this certification

  • Transparency about environmental impact
  • Basis for procurement
  • Following a strict norm
  • Fosters standardized comparison of energy consumption of IT software, also with external providers
  • Simplifies reporting to shareholders, based on an official public certificate


Offered support

  • Set up measurement environment and conduct official measurement
  • Set up project team for submission of certification package
  • Consult during third party certification process
  • Optional: Certification media package after acceptance


Runtime efficiency of the IT application is improved. This results in lower CO2 emissions and in lower costs by reduced energy consumption. Certification is also a marketing tool.

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Enabling the devops teams for green IT software development

Green coding provides guidelines and best actions for the software design process


If (GreenIT) Then Power_Efficiency = True; 

How to make this reality? 
Become a Green Coder.

What’s the mission?

Attend an introductory course on Green IT practices designed for software developers.

What you will learn

This modular training will teach you how to apply green coding principles to the design and development of your applications in 3 (exiting, easy, intriguing, …) sessions à 4 hours.

You will explore green coding principles and guidelines.

You will be able to discuss relevant topics in a shared language using standardized terms.

You will measure the power consumption not only of examples out of the Green Coding Guidelines, but also your own ideas.

You will become a green software practitioner.

The power to protect the environment is with you.

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Every journey begins with the first step: it's all about measurement

"You can't steer what you can't measure." This also applies to IT sustainability and CO2 reduction initiatives.

Our approach: We measure the energy consumption of your applications during operation. Using the MMIGIT™, we determine the current maturity level of your IT in terms of its energy consumption. Based on the MMIGIT™, we work with you to develop the next steps towards green IT, for example in terms of cloud usage, optimising the software architecture, introducing green coding guidelines and numerous other disciplines.

Are you ready for Green IT?

We use our model to determine the process maturity level of your software products with regard to Green IT.

This is assigned to one of the following five maturity levels - analogous to the Capability Maturity Model (CMMI®).

We then work with you to define the next steps. The aim is for your company to reach the next maturity level.

  • Initial
  • Repeatable
  • Defined
  • Managed
  • Optimising
Das Bild zeigt eine Grafik mit dem Titel "MMIGIT (Maturity Model Integrated Green IT) – Solutions Landscape Green IT". Die Grafik ist in fünf Phasen unterteilt, die die Reifegrade des Modells darstellen:

1. **Initial (Not organized)**
2. **Repeatable (Tactics defined & expressed)**
3. **Defined (Blueprint standardized)**
4. **Managed (KPIs introduced)**
5. **Optimizing (Self-optimizing)**

Jede Phase ist durch eine farbige Leiste dargestellt, die sich horizontal über die Grafik erstreckt. Die Leisten sind in verschiedenen Farben gehalten, um unterschiedliche Kategorien von Lösungen darzustellen:

- **Technical Solutions** (Technische Lösungen)
- **Social Solutions** (Soziale Lösungen)
- **Environmental Solutions** (Umweltlösungen)
- **Paradigm Shift** (Paradigmenwechsel)

Die Kategorien sind auf der rechten Seite der Grafik aufgelistet. Jede Kategorie enthält spezifische Lösungen oder Maßnahmen, die in den entsprechenden Reifegradphasen implementiert werden können. 

Am unteren rechten Rand der Grafik befindet sich das Logo von metafinanz. Die Grafik vermittelt eine strukturierte Übersicht über die verschiedenen Phasen und Lösungen im Rahmen des Green IT Maturity Models.

The MMIGIT in detail

Location shifting: On the hunt for green energy

Location shifting is a concrete example of a measure for more sustainable IT operations. For companies that are already at an advanced stage in their IT sustainability journey, this offers the opportunity to distribute resource-intensive processes across different data centres. This is an extremely effective option. This is because in locations where a lot of renewable energy is fed into the power grid, the amount of CO2 emissions is low. Regional weather forecasts are used to determine suitable locations for energy utilisation. If it is very windy in a region, a lot of green energy is available. Accordingly, the relocation of IT services to the local data centre also optimises CO2 emissions.

We work with you to design an IT sustainability strategy that is customised to your company.

The expertise of metafinanz combined with its own MMIGIT™ model provides companies with everything they need to achieve IT sustainability.

You prepare your organisation for upcoming regulatory requirements for sustainable IT operations at an early stage.

Making the best possible use of available resources not only reduces CO2 emissions, but also saves costs in the long term.

Sustainability and future viability go hand in hand. We show you the knowledge and the way for Green IT Guidelines.

Contact us.

We look forward to working with you to make your company more sustainable.

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Das Foto zeigt Ghazal Aakel

Ghazal Aakel

Expertin für Green IT and Softwarequalität

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