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Resilient Business

Business Continuity in a Broken World – Can Regulation Build Resilience?

Palmengarten at Cafe Luitpold


Is your company prepared for the unexpected? At our recent event, we explored how business continuity management (BCM) can help navigate through crises and emerge stronger, ready to seize new opportunities.

Resilient Business

Crises are the new normal. Securing systemically important digital infrastructures and economic chains is therefore more important today than ever. EU regulations such as the Digital Operational Act (DORA) are intended to increase the resilience of companies – but can regulation really help or is it more of an obstacle?

At our official side event at the Munich Cyber Security Conference (MCSC), we explored this important topic under the title ‘Business Continuity in a Broken World – Can Regulation Build Resilience?’. We discussed whether voluntary self-commitment by companies is enough to ensure resilience in the face of crises or whether political regulation is necessary.

The event kicked off with a keynote by Dr. Pia Zachary, who presented the results of a study conducted by metafinanz on the current state and challenges of DORA implementation. This was followed by a lively debate among our experts from business, technology, and law about the role of political regulation in implementing business continuity in companies.

Our Panel

  • Olav Spiegel – GroupCIO at Allianz
  • Thorsten Delbrouck-Konetzko – Group Vice President, Head of Security and CISO at Giesecke+Devrient
  • Sonja Ruttmann – Lawyer and Partner at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
  • Axel Kummer – Managing Director at metafinanz
  • Johannes Steger – Editor-in-Chief AI & Cybersecurity at Tagesspiegel Background

We hope you enjoyed the event and gained valuable insights! 



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